the village of Kilgoran and return a stolen possession to its rightful owner.
The Crystal Sphere is your reward.
Note: Buy 1 tool kit from the
Supply Store and 'mine for gems' in the tunnels north of the village. Then
'cut gem' in the Gem Cutter Shop, do this for each gem. Return to the Supply
Store and buy 2 kilgoran flints and 1 spade.
From the Supply Store:
e, ne, 2e, se, s, sw, light fire, ne, n, nw, w, n, ne, n, e, ne, n, 2nw, 6n,
nw, lift pallet, se, 6s, 2se, s, sw, w, n, dig straw, get amber, s, sw, s,
e, se, s, sw, light fire.
Note: The Crystal Sphere allows you to
locate a player. It can only be used once.